The elders of our church looked at this troubling season of our nation and decided to give our people God’s unique perspective and to call them live in light of it.
This was really good, Mark. We're so prone to wander; we need this reminder. And I need the reminder to speak the truth of the Gospel- sin, repentance, faith in Christ, our living Savior who died for our sins- in love as often as I can. I'm certainly guilty of not doing that. Oh, may God have mercy, and may His Holy Spirit quicken my heart.
This was really good, Mark. We're so prone to wander; we need this reminder. And I need the reminder to speak the truth of the Gospel- sin, repentance, faith in Christ, our living Savior who died for our sins- in love as often as I can. I'm certainly guilty of not doing that. Oh, may God have mercy, and may His Holy Spirit quicken my heart.